Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Great Divide

This is an aerial image of part of Broome. The empty sand dune you can see is Kennedy Hill.

At the base of the hill is the Kennedy Hill settlement. Apparently this was a traditional Aboriginal camp. When Broome was first established as a town, the Indigenous people were not allowed to live within its boundaries. Kennedy Hill was one of their 'out of town' camps.
The white settlers lived to the west of here (the greener areas in the second pic) and had to have permits to allow them to employ Aboriginals as servants.
As you can see Town has come to this out of town camp, which sits just outside Chinatown. It is a dusty, red area, almost still a shanty town.
Below are some pictures of the street that runs between Kennedy Hill and town. Bit of a contrast? On the opposite side of the road are new million dollar apartments and town houses.
On the opposite side of the sand dune are expensive hotels.
To the west (right in this pic) is the new multi-million dollar police station and the old, over-crowded prison.

I found that this really summarised the historical divide between cultures and classes in Broome, which still exists in a big way today.


Anonymous said...

How sad that it still exists - I thought you were going to say it is a reminder of how things used to be.