Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ellendale Pool

This is Ellendale Pool, approx 30km SE of Gero. Unbelievably, someone told me that it wasn't worth visiting! How wrong they were!

It is such a picturesque spot. Had we not been starving, we would have stayed a lot longer.

After seeing the sign (below), we decided not to swim...Although the ducks looked healthy enough as they greeted us. There was a family swimming (left), but they may have gotten in further up where there wasn't a sign. Or perhaps they didn't care!

Could this be the Australian dream? 4WD, caravan, tinny and a sattelite dish. Everything you need!

Beautiful red soil


Sueblimely said...

Just as well you decided not to swim as amoebic meningitis is fatal!